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6 Signs It Could Be Time To Replace Your Air Conditioner

Is it time to replace your old air conditioner? See our telltale signs below

Learn when to replace your air conditioning system in South Florida. As a home or business owner, one of the toughest decisions you’ll have to make about your air conditioning system is when it comes time to repair or replace it. Even though a new A/C may seem expensive at first, the money you invest now will far outweigh the costs associated with the repair bills tied to maintaining an outdated system.

So how do you know when it’s time to replace your A/C? Advanced Air Systems is here to help. With over 20 years of experience serving customers in South Florida, we have seen it all and put a list together of the top six signs to look out for when it’s time to replace your air conditioning system.

Signs to Look Out For:

  1. Your System is 10 Years Old: Your air conditioning system can last up to 15 years with proper maintenance. After that time, you should look into replacing it with a new, high efficient system.
  2. Frequent Repairs: One of the most common signs that its time for a new air conditioner is the need for constant maintenance, especially when those repairs get more expensive over time.
  3. Rising Energy Bill: Are your energy bills higher than normal?  When your air conditioner ages, it becomes less efficient and can waste energy.
  4. Temperature Irregularities: When your A/C takes a long time to cool a room or no longer provides the same amount of comfort it may be time for a new system.
  5. Strange Smells or Sounds: When your air conditioner becomes noisy or emits a strange odor,  it means some problem has occurred internally. Turn the system off and get it checked immediately before further damage occurs.
  6. System Using R-22 Freon: The federal government is phasing out Freon nationally to conserve energy. New air conditioners must operate on R410A. If your system is using R-22 Freon, get it replaced as soon as possible.

When you notice any of the signs above you will want to contact your air conditioning contractor immediately to schedule a checkup. Once the issue is identified, we will be able to develop a custom solution for you that will save you time and money. Remember, repairs to your air conditioner may be the least expensive solution at first, however, may end up costing you more down the road when other issues pop-up.

Not sure what air conditioner is right for your home or business?

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